Friday, February 3, 2012

Carbon Communism

I think that the CO2-caused Global Warming theory is false and unproven junk science.

But let’s suppose for a moment that the CO2 equals Global Warming equation is real. The wealthy elitists James Hansen, Al Gore, Tony Blair, Barack Obama, and the other high-profile cheerleaders for CO2 reduction are asking the poor and middle classes to suffer the consequences of a radical shutdown of global commerce and energy production in order to ‘save the planet’ from Global Warming. They want to make serfs of the masses of working people, while a privileged elite will be permitted to continue living in high style with a much larger ‘carbon footprint’ than the un-entitled lower classes.

We should never let that happen. The only way that ‘carbon rationing’ should be allowed is by assigning the exact same carbon limit to all people everywhere. Al Gore, Barack Obama, a London cabbie, and a Kalahari Bushman should all be assigned exactly the same number of ‘carbon credits’, period. Let them trade their credits with each other, but everyone should be restricted to the same limited ‘carbon credit’ allowance. The long-term ultimate effect of this would be an economic leveling of society; essentially global Communism. Under such a system, no one would be able to accumulate an excess of personal property or wealth because they could never accumulate enough ‘carbon credits’ to do so.

When Hansen, Gore, Blair, and Obama give up their patrician incomes and lifestyles and restrict their own ‘carbon footprint’ to the level of the common labourer or office worker, I will begin to believe that they are sincere about preventing Global Warming. Their obvious unwillingness to do what they are asking the rest of us to do proves that they are not sincere. They want the common people to sacrifice their lives to prevent Global Warming, while the wealthy retain their high-carbon consuming and producing privileges.

We cannot permit a privileged elite to enjoy a ‘high-carbon’ lifestyle while the poor are restricted by law to a ‘low-carbon’ lifestyle. Any effort by any government to impose carbon rationing with preferential treatment to any class of people should be seen as sufficient reason for an all-out French-style revolution in which the majority population dispossess the elitists of their wealth, their positions of power, and their privilege. In a world that is constantly threatened by Global Warming, we cannot allow a greedy few to consume or produce in excess of the average ‘carbon footprint’ of the world’s population as a whole.

Barack Obama keeps the temperature at 78 degrees Fahrenheit in the Oval Office while telling the rest of us to turn our thermostats down. James Hansen has received grants amounting to hundreds of thousands of dollars to promote the Global Warming theory. Al Gore has invested heavily in the ‘carbon trading’ brokerage business. All of these men jet around the world, live in oversized houses, and ride in limousines. If the common people are to be required by law to reduce our ‘carbon footprint’, we need to demand that our leaders and the wealthy elite be restricted to exactly the same carbon allowance as everyone else.

We are not all together in the fight against Global Warming unless everyone is required to make the same sacrifices by sharing an equal ‘carbon footprint’ and an equal ‘carbon ration’, which should be assigned equally to every living person in the entire world. We need to hold the elitists’ feet to the fire and require them to make exactly the same sacrifices as the rest of humanity.

Individual carbon limits and carbon rationing? Bring them on. Viva la Revolucion!

Gregory Fegel

Published on March 20, 2009 at Pravda.Ru

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Earth on the Brink of an Ice Age

The earth is now on the brink of entering another Ice Age, according to a large and compelling body of evidence from within the field of climate science. Many sources of data which provide our knowledge base of long-term climate change indicate that the warm, eleven thousand year-long Holocene period will rather soon be coming to an end, and then the earth will return to Ice Age conditions for the next 100,000 years.

Ice cores, ocean sediment cores, the geologic record, and studies of ancient plant and animal populations all demonstrate a regular cyclic pattern of Ice Age Glacial Maximums which each last about 100,000 years, separated by intervening warm Interglacials, each lasting about 10 to 12,000 years.

Most of the long-term climate data collected from various sources also show a strong correlation with the three astronomical cycles which are together known as the Milankovitch cycles. The three Milankovitch cycles include the tilt of the earth, which varies over a 41,000 year period; the shape of the earth’s orbit, which changes over a period of 100,000 years; and the Precession of the Equinoxes, also known as the earth’s ‘wobble’, which gradually rotates the direction of the earth’s axis over a period of 26,000 years. According to the Milankovitch theory of Ice Age causation, these three astronomical cycles, each of which effects the amount of solar radiation which reaches the earth, act together to produce the cycle of cold Ice Age Glacial Maximums and warm Interglacials.

Elements of the astronomical theory of Ice Age causation were first presented by the French mathematician Joseph Adhemar in 1842, it was developed further by the English prodigy Joseph Croll in 1875, and the theory was established in its present form by the Serbian mathematician Milutin Milankovitch in the 1920s and 30s. In 1976 the prestigious journal Science published a landmark paper by John Imbrie, James Hays, and Nicholas Shackleton entitled “Variations in the Earth's orbit: Pacemaker of the Ice Ages,” which described the correlation which the trio of scientist/authors had found between the climate data obtained from ocean sediment cores and the patterns of the astronomical Milankovitch cycles. Since the late 1970s, the Milankovitch theory has remained the predominant theory to account for Ice Age causation among climate scientists, and hence the Milankovitch theory is always described in textbooks of climatology and in encyclopedia articles about the Ice Ages.

In their 1976 paper Imbrie, Hays, and Shackleton wrote that their own climate forecasts, which were based on sea-sediment cores and the Milankovitch cycles, "… must be qualified in two ways. First, they apply only to the natural component of future climatic trends - and not to anthropogenic effects such as those due to the burning of fossil fuels. Second, they describe only the long-term trends, because they are linked to orbital variations with periods of 20,000 years and longer. Climatic oscillations at higher frequencies are not predicted... the results indicate that the long-term trend over the next 20,000 years is towards extensive Northern Hemisphere glaciation and cooler climate."

During the 1970s the famous American astronomer Carl Sagan and other scientists began promoting the theory that ‘greenhouse gasses’ such as carbon dioxide, or CO2, produced by human industries could lead to catastrophic global warming. Since the 1970s the theory of ‘Anthropogenic Global Warming’ (AGW) has gradually become accepted as fact by most of the academic establishment, and their acceptance of AGW has inspired a global movement to encourage governments to make pivotal changes to prevent the worsening of AGW.

The central piece of evidence that is cited in support of the AGW theory is the famous ‘hockey stick’ graph which was presented by Al Gore in his 2006 film An Inconvenient Truth. The ‘hockey stick’ graph shows an acute upward spike in global temperatures which began in 1970. However, that warming trend ended in 1998 with a cooling trend which has continued ever since. The winter of 2007/8 delivered the deepest snow cover to the Northern Hemisphere since 1966 and the coldest temperatures since 2001. The Northern Hemisphere winter of 2008/09 broke numerous records for both snow depth and cold temperatures, and in October of 2009 many cold-weather records have again been broken in the Northern Hemisphere.

The main flaw in the AGW theory is that its proponents focus on evidence from only the past one thousand years at most, while ignoring the evidence from the past million years -- evidence which is essential for a true understanding of climatology. The data from paleoclimatology provides us with an alternative and more credible explanation for the recent global temperature spike, based on the natural cycle of the Ice Age Glacial Maximums and Interglacials.

In 1999 the British journal Nature published the results of data derived from glacial ice cores collected at the Russia ’s Vostok station in Antarctica during the 1990s. The Vostok ice core data includes a record of global atmospheric temperatures, atmospheric CO2 and other greenhouse gases, and airborne particulates starting from 420,000 years ago and continuing through history up to our present time.

The graph of the Vostok ice core data shows that the Ice Age Glacial Maximums and the warm Interglacials occur within a regular cyclic pattern, the graph-line of which is similar to the rhythm of a heartbeat on an electrocardiogram tracing. The Vostok data graph also shows that changes in global CO2 levels lag behind global temperature changes by about eight hundred years. What that indicates is that global temperatures precede or cause global CO2 changes, and not the reverse. In other words, increasing atmospheric CO2 is not causing global temperature to rise; instead the natural cyclic increase in global temperature is causing global CO2 to rise.

The reason that global CO2 levels rise and fall in response to the global temperature is because cold water is capable of retaining more CO2 than warm water. That is why carbonated beverages loose their carbonation, or CO2, when stored in a warm environment. We store our carbonated soft drinks, wine, and beer in a cool place to prevent them from loosing their ‘fizz’, which is a feature of their carbonation, or CO2 content. The earth is currently warming as a result of the natural Ice Age cycle, and as the oceans get warmer, they release increasing amounts of CO2 into the atmosphere.

Because the release of CO2 by the warming oceans lags behind the changes in the earth’s temperature, we should expect to see global CO2 levels continue to rise for another eight hundred years after the end of the earth’s recent Interglacial warm period, which by now should be nearly finished. We will already be eight hundred years into the next Ice Age Glacial Maximum before global CO2 levels begin to drop in response to the increased chilling of the world’s oceans.

The Vostok ice core data graph reveals that global CO2 levels regularly rose and fell in a direct response to the natural cycle of Ice Age Glacial Maximums and Interglacials during the past four hundred and twenty thousand years. Within that natural cycle, about every 110,000 years global temperatures, followed by global CO2 levels, have peaked at approximately the same levels which they are at today.

About 325,000 years ago, at the peak of a warm Interglacial, global temperature and CO2 levels were higher than they are today. Today we are again at the peak, and near to the end, of a warm Interglacial, and the earth is now due to enter the next Ice Age Glacial Maximum. If we are lucky, we may have a few years to prepare for it. The next Ice Age Glacial Maximum will return, as it always has, in its regular and natural cycle, with or without any influence from the questionable effects of Anthropogenic Global Warming.

The AGW theory is based on data that are drawn from a ridiculously narrow span of time, and it demonstrates a wanton disregard for the ‘big picture’ of long-term climate change. The data from paleoclimatology, including ice cores, sea sediments, geology, paleobotany and zoology, indicate that we are on the verge of entering another Ice Age Glacial Maximum, and the data also shows that severe and lasting climate change sometimes occurs within the span of only a few years. While concern over the dubious threat of Anthropogenic Global Warming continues to distract the attention of people throughout the world, the very real threat of the approaching and inevitable Ice Age Glacial Maximum, which will render large parts of the Northern Hemisphere uninhabitable, is being foolishly ignored.

Gregory Fegel

Published on January 11, 2009 at

How an Ice Age Begins

The idea that climatic warming can induce climatic cooling may seem counterintuitive, but that process of warming leading to cooling is a basic part of the "orbital theory" of an insolation-driven (sunlight-driven) Ice Age cycle. The orbital theory, also known as the Milankovitch theory, is based on the fact that cyclic changes in the earth's orbit of the sun alter the amount of sunlight that reaches the earth, and it is the most widely-accepted theory of Ice Age causation.

The next Ice Age will be precipitated by -- quite literally -- an upward trend in summer temperatures and summer warming of the oceans in the Northern Hemisphere, which will increase oceanic evaporation and cause an increase in precipitation, some of which will fall as snow that will feed the growth of glaciers at high elevations and at high latitudes.

An Ice Age is characterized by the formation of vast glaciers on top of large continental land masses. Since there are much larger continental land masses located in the high latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere than in the Southern Hemisphere, it is in the Northern Hemisphere that the Ice Age cycle is most obviously manifested. At the peak of the last Ice Age glacial maximum, about 18,000 years ago, vast glaciers up to two miles thick covered all of Canada, all of Scandinavia, and most of the British Isles.

The astronomical phenomenon known as the Precession of the Equinoxes causes a gradual rotation of the earth's axial tilt, which changes the seasons during which the Northern and Southern Hemispheres make their nearest approach to the sun (at perihelion) and their farthest excursion from the sun (at aphelion).

For the past 11,000 years perihelion -- the earth's nearest approach to the sun -- has occured during the Northern Hemisphere's winter, and aphelion -- the earth's farthest excursion from the sun -- has occured during the Northern Hemisphere's summer.

When perihelion -- the earth's nearest approach to the sun -- occurs during the winter and aphelion -- the earth's farthest excursion from the sun -- occurs during the summer, there is a reduction in the temperature extremes of the seasons. That is because at perihelion the nearness of the earth to the sun reduces the cold of winter and at aphelion the increased distance of the earth from the sun reduces the warmth of summer. Furthermore, a winter perihelion shortens the duration of the winter and a summer aphelion lengthens the duration of the summer.

But the short, mild winters and long, mild summers which the Northern Hemisphere has enjoyed for the past 11,000 years have come to an end. During the next 11,000 years the winters in the Northern Hemisphere will become longer and colder, and the summers will become shorter and hotter.

During the next 11,000 years the Northern Hemisphere will experience short, hot summers and long, cold winters. The blazing hot summers will warm the oceans and cause increased precipitation, much of which will be deposited as snow at high elevations and in the high latitudes, facilitating the genesis and growth of glaciers. The long, cold winters will further facilitate the growth and maintenance of glaciers in the high latitudes and high elevations of the Northern Hemisphere.

Research has shown that during the previous Ice Age glacial maximum, the first 5,000 years of the glacial advance was characterized by the conditions described by the above paragraph. After 5,000 years, the continental glaciers became well established at their full extent and the Northern Hemisphere remained in full Ice Age conditions for another 5,000 years before the ice began to retreat about 11,000 years ago.

In recent years we have seen record-breaking high summer temperatures recorded in many parts of the Northern Hemisphere, and we have also seen record-breaking low winter temperatures recorded in many parts of the Northern Hemisphere. The winters of 2007-8 and 2008-9 broke many records for low temperatures and the depth of snowfall, and in early October of 2009 we are already seeing an early onset of wintry-cold conditions in the Northern Hemisphere.

The increasing extremes of summer and winter temperatures in the Northern Hemisphere that we have seen in recent years are consistent with what we should expect to see as the Northern Hemisphere moves into another 11,000 year period of extreme summers and winters.

And that is how an Ice Age begins.

Gregory Fegel

Published on October 7, 2009 at

Global Warming Will Improve Global Agriculture

At many times in the past, the earth's climate has been warmer than it is today. During the period known as the Holocene Climatic Optimum, global temperatures were about two degrees Celsius, or about four degrees Fahrenheit, higher than they are today. During the Holocene Climatic Optimum, warmer temperatures and an associated increase in rainfall facilitated the development of agriculture, village communities, and eventually towns and cities, by humankind in many parts of the world.

The increased global temperatures of the Holocene Climatic Optimum warmed the world's oceans, causing increased evaporation, creating more clouds and storms, and ultimately increasing rainfall throughout the Tropical, Subtropical, and Temperate zones encircling the earth. During the Holocene Climatic Optimum, California, the southwestern and southern USA, the Mediterranean region, the Middle East, the Ukraine, India, China, and northern Africa all recieved more rainfall than they do today. During the Holocene Climatic Optimum, the Sahara desert became a lush savannah punctuated with rivers and lakes that supported elephants, giraffes, zebras, hippos, crocodiles, humans, and the cattle the humans had domesticated. During that time, agriculture spread from the Middle East into Europe, rice cultivation spread throughout east Asia, and maize, bean, and squash cultivation spread throughout Central America.

The global warming of the Holocene Climatic Optimum also caused global sea levels to rise by about two meters, or nearly seven feet. Evidence for that rise in global sea levels has been found in many places, including southern Mesopotamia and in numerous five thousand year-old beaches and coral deposits found throughout the world which are now standing two meters above the present sea level.

In the current hysteria about Global Warming, or 'Climate Change', as it is now being called, the emphasis has been entirely placed on the predicted undesirable effects of Global Warming, and the possible benefits of Global Warming are very seldom mentioned. Al Gore, James Hansen, and the other Jeremiahs of Global Warming or 'Climate Change' warn us about catastrophic rises in sea levels which will inundate major cities and about chronic, severe droughts which they claim will dessicate and devastate most of the major agricultural zones of the earth.

The geologic evidence from the Holocene Climatic Optimum proves that Global Warming will indeed raise global sea levels with catastrophic effects on major cities and low-lying districts throughout the world. However, the evidence from the Holocene Climatic Optimum also shows that Global Warming should improve global agriculture by warming and widening the earth's Tropical, Subtropical, and Temperate zones, and by increasing rainfall throughout the world. The loss of some major cities to rising sea levels will certainly be traumatic, but the loss of those cities will be offset by an increase in agricultural production, forestry, and grazing areas throughout the world. The increase in agricultural, timber, and livestock production which would result from an increase of two degrees Celsius of Global Warming is badly needed in our increasingly over-populated world.

Plants breathe CO2; they require CO2 to live and they thrive on it. Many professional growers pump CO2 into their greenhouses to increase plant production. Numerous land and satellite-based studies have shown an increase in global biomass during the time period that is associated with Global Warming. According to NASA scientist Ramakrishna Nemani, “Between 1982 and 1999, twenty-five percent of the Earth’s vegetated area experienced increasing plant productivity -- a total increase of about six percent.”

Al Gore, James Hansen, and the other prophets of Climate Change catastrophe never mention the actual and potential benefits of Global Warming. Why is that? Isn't science supposed to be about objectivity? Al Gore has invested heavily in carbon credit brokerage firms. For Gore, there is a financial profit to be made from promoting Global Warming alarmism.

Gregory Fegel

Published on June 19, 2009 at

Chipmunks Have the Nuts to Survive an Ice Age

Chipmunks are forest-dwelling, squirrel-like rodents whose size is typically about half that of the average squirrel. In addition to their smaller size, chipmunks may be readily distinguished from squirrels by the linear stripes of white fur which chipmunks sport on their heads and backs. There are twenty-five recognized species of chipmunks, one of which lives in northeast Asia, another in eastern North America, and all of the others in western North America.

The omnivorous chipmunks eat grain, nuts, fungi, birds' eggs, small frogs, worms, and insects, and, during the fall of each year, chipmunks stockpile some of those foods in their underground burrows for consumption during the winter. Human vistors at forest parks in North America soon become familiar with the playful antics of the chipmunks, who often forage in campgrounds for scraps of food.

In July of 2004, researchers at the University of Illinois published the results of a field study they conducted of 244 chipmunks in the upper Midwest states of Illinois and Wisconsin. The chipmunks were captured in live traps, and the researchers removed a tiny sample of flesh from the tip of an ear of each chipmunk before releasing the animal close to the site of its capture. Back in the laboratory, the researchers isolated the mitochondrial DNA from each sample of chipmunk flesh and they studied the genetic structure of each sample.

The genetic patterns of the chipmunks from Illinois and Wisconsin, when compared with related communities of chipmunks in the eastern and southern USA, provided proof that the Illinois and Wisconsin chipmunks had remained in Illinois and Wisconsin throughout the last Ice Age Glacial Maximum. The researchers concluded that there must have been areas of forest that supported a chipmunk population which survived in close proximity to the great continental ice sheet throughout the Ice Age.

During an Ice Age Glacial Maximum, continental ice sheets up to two miles (or three kilometers) thick cover all of Canada, the Great Lakes, and large portions of the northern USA, including all of New York State, all of the New England states, and half of Alaska. In Eurasia, the continental ice sheets cover all of Scandinavia, the British Isles, Iceland, and large parts of Russia and Siberia.

The continental ice sheets that form during an Ice Age are created and enlarged by snowfall that subtracts water from the world’s oceans. As a result, the world’s ocean levels drop by as much as 425 feet (130 meters) during an Ice Age. During an Ice Age Glacial Maximum, the continental shelves and shallow seas will become dry land, and an examination of a good ocean-depth map will show you where the new coastlines will be during a Glacial Maximum.

During an Ice Age Glacial Maximum, the Bering Strait between Alaska and Siberia will become dry land, and in its place will emerge the Bering Land Bridge, 1600 kilometers wide from north to south. The Gulf of Mexico will shrink to half its present size and Mexico’s Yucatan Peninsula will double in size. The eastern seaboard of the USA will extend several hundred miles further out into the Atlantic Ocean, Argentina will nearly double in size, southern Japan will be reconnected with China and Korea, Australia will regain a huge northern territory, and mainland Southeast Asia will merge with the Indonesian Archipelago to form Sundaland.

Nearly all of the United Kingdom will be buried under a huge ice cap, but the sunken, legendary land of Lyonesse, itself almost as large as the entire UK, will emerge from the North Atlantic between Ireland and France to become the new homeland of the British.

The exposed continental shelves on both coasts of India will provide new habitats for wildlife and new opportunities for human settlement. The legendary Adam's Bridge, which the Hindu Epics say was built by the monkey god Hanuman, will emerge once again from the sea to connect India with Sri Lanka. The Maldive Islands in the Indian Ocean will rise as much as 400 feet from a surrounding sea that will be even shallower than it is today.

During a Glacial Maximum many of the northern countries that currently export food will lose most of their agricultural productivity and become more suitable for livestock grazing. But the losses to glaciation and cold in the north will be offset by the gains of exposed continental shelves and new lands for human habitation and agriculture in the south. We may hope that humankind will adjust to these immense and inevitable changes peacefully, but hope, by itself, is not sufficient preparation for a global catastrophe.

All of the plant and animal species living in the world today have survived and evolved through a series of Ice Age cycles going back several million years, so nature has prepared most species to survive an Ice Age. However, at the close of the most recent Glacial Maximum, which ended about 11,000 years ago, most of the megafauna of the Ice Age Steppe, including the mammoth, wooly rhinoceros, and giant cave bears, went extinct, and some researchers blame human hunters, at least in part, for the extinction of the megafauna.

Multiple evidence from geology, sea-sediment cores, ice cores, and the earth’s orbital cycle shows that the earth is already due for the commencement of the next Ice Age Glacial Maximum. During the coming Glacial Maximum, the earth’s human population will be much larger than ever before, so there will be a far greater human influence and pressure on the habitats and survival of all the nonhuman species.

Chipmunks have the nuts to survive an Ice Age.

Do we?

Gregory Fegel

Published on November 17, 2009 at

‘Climategate’ Exposes the Global Warming Hoax

The Internet is abuzz with the news of what everyone is calling ‘Climategate’ -- a major scandal involving leaked emails and data from the Climatic Research Unit (CRU) at the University of East Anglia (UEA). Located in the town of Norwich in the United Kingdom, the Climatic Research Unit is a primary center for the ‘science’ that supports the theory of Global Warming. The CRU provides ‘scientific’ advice and guidance to the United Nation’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), which implements international policies based on that advice.

On November 17th, 2009 an anonymous whistleblower downloaded email and data files from computers at the Climatic Research Unit, and, using a Internet server based in Russia, posted them on a ‘Global Warming skeptic’ website called The Air Vent. Soon thereafter the files were forwarded to numerous other ‘skeptic’ websites and news outlets. The leaked files include more than 1,000 emails and about 3,000 documents, and they provide abundant evidence of falsification of data among the scientists at the forefront of promoting the theory of Global Warming.

The leaked emails consist of correspondence between many of the top researchers in the field of climate science and Global Warming, including CRU’s Director Phillip Jones and his assistant, Keith Briffa; Michael Mann at Pennsylvania State; Malcolm Hughes at the University of Arizona; Kevin Trenberth at the National Center for Atmospheric Research; James Hansen at NASA’s Goddard Institute of Space Studies; and James Holdren, US President Barack Obama’s new ‘Science Czar’. The authenticity of the leaked emails and documents has been verified by Phillip Jones of CRU, Kevin Trenberth, and others.

The emails and documents reveal that the scientists at the CRU and their colleagues in the USA not only falsified their data to ‘prove’ Global Warming; they also collaborated to prevent qualified scientists who disagree with the theory of Global Warming from publishing or participating in the ‘peer reviews’ process. The belief in Global Warming among scientists is not a consensus; it is a dictatorship.

The whistleblower who downloaded and posted the CRU files worked under the username ‘FOIA’, a reference to the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) in the United States. The CRU has repeatedly refused FOIA requests for release of the data on which their computer models and conclusions about Global Warming are based. Obstruction of the release of information under the FOIA is a crime in both the UK and the USA, and the guilty scientists can be punished with fines or jail time.

Prompted by the Climategate scandal, former UK Chancellor Lord Lawson has called for an independent public inquiry into the facts of the CRU’s falsification of data to support the theory of Global Warming. In the USA, Republican Senator James Inhofe of Oklahoma announced that he will launch an investigation into the Climategate scandal. Inhofe’s office has sent letters to the scientists involved and to federal agencies warning them to “retain (related) documents.” In Australia ten Labour Party MPs (Members of Parliament) resigned their seats in protest of their government’s support of the proposed Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS), an equivalent of the European Union Emissions Trading Scheme and the pending Cap and Trade legislation in the USA.

'Climategate’ is not an ordinary case of falsifying data by a few rogue scientists. The fraudulent theory of Global Warming has provided the basis for an international political movement which has the stated goal of completely restructuring the entire global economy based on that fraudulent theory. ‘Global Warming’ is a confidence (or ‘con’) game perpetrated by dishonest scientists and the government and corporate leaders who provide the corrupt scientists with opportunities for advancement.

If we fail to stop the further politicization and institutionalization of the fraudulent theory of Global Warming, we will most certainly experience a future of ‘science’ created and controlled by government decree and of an international government that facilitates the operations of corporate industries while imposing severe restrictions and arbitrary taxes on the general public.

That is a future which would fully justify resistance and rebellion among the international populations who will be the victims of this massive global fraud. If we fail to stop this fraudulent enterprise by legal means, we will certainly have a future of global oppression based on fraud, with its attendant institutionalized crimes, and whatever popular backlash might eventually result.

Gregory Fegel

Published on November 30, 2009 at

Missionaries are Colonialists

Christian missionaries make no secret of the fact that they use medical services, education, and employment opportunities to lure impoverished indigenous populations throughout the world into conversion to Christianity.

According to the popular and scholarly history of Christianity, the early Christian Church found its greatest appeal and attracted its greatest number of converts from the poor people of the Roman Empire. The early Christian churches raised money through a tithe, or ten per cent income tax, levied on their members, and the early Christian church is said to have had a strong 'sense of community', which implies that it had a well-organized social, financial, and political network among its membership.

Using your wealth to purchase other people's loyalty is a game as old as humanity itself. Rich men use their wealth to attract women, unscrupulous employers use material incentives and disincentives to manipulate their workers, and wealthy countries like the USA use their national wealth to keep their citizens loyal to the cause of aggressive and genocidal Imperialism. But historical longevity and common practice don't make the manipulation or exploitation morally or ethically right.

Organized religions are inherently POLITICAL organizations. There is a fundamental difference between the financial enterprise and political machinations of an organized religion versus a mass of independent, unaffiliated believers, philosophers, and mystics who do not support any organized religion.

Christianity and Islam are known as proselytizing religions because they make an organized and systematic effort to gain converts, and they often provide services, products, or employment to attract converts. Judaism, Hinduism, and Buddhism show far less zeal about gaining converts, which is why you almost never hear about Jewish, Hindu, or Buddhist missionaries.

Modern medical and nursing schools usually teach their students the moral principle that the provision of medical services should never be used as a means to proselytize or promote a religion, but that does not deter many Christian health care providers from doing exactly that. Most of the medical and charitable organizations based in Christian countries are fronts for Christian proselytizing activities.

One of the largest international medical relief organizations based in the USA, Northwest Medical Teams, states in their recruitment brochure that their chief 'mission' is to 'spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ', that their medical relief services are subordinate to their stated goal of proselytizing Christianity, and that their medical relief work is merely an 'aegis', or facade, for spreading Christianity.

The religious and cultural Imperialism performed by missionaries nearly always goes hand-in-hand with political and economic Imperialism. Christian missionaries often work in partnership with the CIA, with the US government, and with wealthy corporations to subvert the religion, the culture, the economy, and the politics of vulnerable indigenous populations. The CIA often uses planes owned by Christian missionary organizations and flown by Christian missionary pilots to smuggle drugs, arms, and prisoners.

During the CIA's illegal Iran/Contra scam of the 1980s, Christian missionary pilots and planes smuggled drugs into the USA and arms into Central America and Iran. Now the CIA is using Christian missionary planes to smuggle heroin from Afghanistan, cocaine from Latin America, and for 'rendition' flights of 'Terrorist' prisoners to secret prisons that practice torture and commit extra-judicial executions.

The USA's Faith Based Initiative law provides Christian missionary organizations with taxpayer funds that are used to proselytize Christianity to indigenous populations throughout the world. Christian missionaries are the leading edge of a religious, cultural, economic, and political aggression supported by the US government.

When missionaries bring outside wealth to an impoverished Third World country and use that wealth to provide services that are meant to attract converts, they are interfering with the local social and economic structure as well as the local cultural traditions. Indigenous people who take advantage of the privileges provided by the missionaries and convert to Christianity partake in a social organization that uses foreign wealth as a tool to eliminate the indigenous culture and replace it with Christianity.

A small and reclusive population of a few hundred people with a primitive Stone Age culture lives on North Sentinel Island, in the Andaman chain, which is administered by the government of India. To protect the culture of the inhabitants of North Sentinel Island, the Indian government has wisely banned anyone from visiting the island. I approve of the Indian government's policy of protecting the unique culture of the North Sentinels from outside influence. If anyone on North Sentinel Island should ever desire to leave, they can build a boat and do so.

Among a total of 195 nations in the world today, fifty-seven of those nations have a legally established, official State Religion. There are fourteen nations that claim Christianity as their State Religion, twenty-six nations that claim Islam as their State Religion, six nations that claim Buddhism as their State Religion, and the Jewish State of Israel. The Jewish State of Israel discriminates against its non-Jewish citizens and within its borders Israel officially prohibits the proselytizing of any religion other than Judaism. Many people believe that Israel has a ‘right to exist’ in this manner as a Jewish State.

Many Islamic countries strive to protect the cultural identity of their citizens by enforcing a ban on preaching any religion but Islam. Considering the aggressive, insidious, and highly political nature of Christian missionary programs, the banning of non-Moslem religious preaching by Moslem governments makes sense.

Currently there is no officially Hindu State anywhere in the world, but perhaps India should become a Hindu State in order to protect its indigenous religion and culture from the predatory missionaries and State-sponsored cultural Imperialism that are coming from both Christian and Moslem countries. If the Jews have the right to establish and maintain Israel as a Jewish State, then the Hindus certainly have a right to establish and maintain India as a Hindu State.

When Western leaders talk about a 'Clash of Civilizations', what they really mean is Judeo-Christianity and corporate Capitalism versus all non-Christians and non-Capitalists. Christian missionaries are essentially colonialists working for Christian cultural Imperialism.

When the Hindus of India rise up in riot and drive out the Christian missionaries and the Christian 'cash converts', they are doing what the Iraqi, Afghani, and Palestinian Freedom Fighters are doing. They are protecting themselves and their indigenous culture from wealthy and unscrupulous invaders who have no respect for them or for their culture. I wish the Hindu nationalists well in their efforts to defend and maintain the independence and survival of their indigenous culture and religion against the onslaught of predatory and disrespectful foreigners whose goal is to replace indigenous traditional cultures with a global Christian empire.

If Christian missionaries want to come to India and try to make converts to Christianity, let them come with empty pockets and compete on a level playing field. And if most of the locals don't want the missionaries interfering with their traditional way of life, they have the right to make the missionaries and their converts leave.

Gregory F. Fegel

Published on October 21, 2008 at Pravda.Ru.

Who is Al Qaeda?

During the 1980s, when Russian troops occupied Afghanistan, the USA's Central Intelligence Agency was sending arms and war material to the Afghani Mujahideen. The CIA also provided military training and logistical support to the Afghani Mujahideen. US arms dealers, CIA agents, and covert US military Special Operations troops were deeply involved in assisting the Afghan resistance to Russian occupation. The Stinger shoulder-launched anti-aircraft missiles which the USA gave to the Mujahideen enabled the Mujahideen to turn the tide of battle and to eventually defeat and expel the Russian Army from Afghanistan.

Afghanistan is a major opium-growing center, and during the Russian/Afghan conflict, heroin trafficking out of Afghanistan became a major enterprise for the CIA, which used its own fleet of difficult-to-trace aircraft to ship the drug into Europe. When I was in New Delhi in 1980, I met young Afghans who were eager to sell heroin and AK-47 automatic assault rifles to almost anyone, including random tourists.

War material from the USA for the Afghani Mujahideen was channeled through Pakistan, and during the Russian occupation of Afghanistan the US government and the Pakistani government formed a deep alliance. The arms, training, and logistical support that the USA provided to the Afghan Mujahideen was also channeled to Terrorists who are trained and supported by the Pakistani government and military to infiltrate into Indian Kashmir in an ongoing effort to destabilize the Indian control of Kashmir.

After the Russians left Afghanistan, the Pakistani-based Taleban, which had always received its primary support from the Pakistani government, seized power in Afghanistan and formed the ruling government there until the US invasion of Afghanistan in late 2001. The Pakistani government and military abandoned their open support for the Taleban when the USA bribed Pakistan with many billions of dollars in US military and economic aid just prior to the US invasion of Afghanistan.

Al Qaeda, which in Arabic means 'the Base', was originally the name that the CIA station chiefs in Saudi Arabia gave to the database that they created to keep track of the individuals and groups to which the US government was providing funds for the Afghani Mujahideen during the Russian occupation of Afghanistan.

During the Russian occupation of Afghanistan, Osama bin Laden was an organizer for the Afghani Mujahideen. Bin Laden worked to help funnel US arms and supplies to the Mujahideen, and bin Laden helped bring Saudi and other foreign fighters to Afghanistan to assist the Mujahideen. In these roles, Osama bin Laden was constantly in close communication with the CIA, and bin Laden was functioning as an agent, asset, ally, or employee of the CIA. Osama bin Laden later assisted the USA's divide-and-conquer agenda in the Balkans by recruiting Saudis and other foreign fighters for the Kosovo Liberation Army during the 1990s. The Balkans are an entry-point for heroin trafficking into Europe, and the CIA, assisted by the Al Qeada volunteers recruited by Osama bin Laden, engaged in heroin, arms, and human trafficking there.

Ex-US President George H. Bush and his son, the current US President George Walker Bush, have been close friends with the bin Laden family of Saudi Arabia since the 1980s. The bin Laden family business involves major construction projects throughout the Middle East, and the US government and US corporations have been frequent customers of the bin Ladens. On the day after the 9/11/2001 attacks on the World Trade Center Twin Towers in New York City and on the Pentagon in Washington D.C., President George W. Bush authorized the departure of members of the bin Laden family for flights back to Saudi Arabia without any of the bin Ladens being subject to any questioning by the US intelligence agents or law enforcement.

Osama bin Laden has never claimed responsibility for the 9/11 attacks on the WTC and the Pentagon, and officials at the USA's Federal Bureau of Investigation have stated that they do not list Osama bin Laden as a suspect in the 9/11 attacks because they "do not have sufficient evidence that Osama bin Laden was involved in the 9/11 attacks." Since 9/11, several videos and audiotapes have been posted on the Internet that purport to show Osama bin Laden, but all of them have been proven to be forgeries. President George W. Bush has publicly stated, "I don't care about Osama bin Laden" and Bush has also publicly dismissed any need to find or capture Osama bin Laden.

Al Qaeda is nothing more than a bogey man, an invented ghost to frighten children and the ignorant. Al Qaeda is the invisible and nonexistent enemy that the US government has manufactured to provide an excuse for its never-ending 'War on Terrorism', which is in reality a war of US aggression for US domination of the world and its resources. The US government commits 'false flag' attacks such as the 9/11 attacks; the Bali, Madrid, and London bombings; and the recent bombings and attacks in India as a way to create a false threat where no real threat exists, providing an excuse for the USA to step in to 'rescue' and 'protect' other nations from 'Terrorist' attacks that were actually perpetrated by the USA itself.

Gregory F. Fegel

Published on December 1, 2008 at

Onward Christian Soldiers

The United States Air Force Academy, which is located in Colorado Springs, Colorado, defines its Core Values as “Integrity first; Service before self; and Excellence in all we do.” The US Air Force certainly "Excels" at killing people from a safe and lofty distance, and the US Air Force also unquestioningly, and apparently without any ethical qualms, "Serves" the interests of wealthy US corporations in their ongoing quest for global economic domination. But the US Air Force Academy’s self-attribution of “Integrity” is false and ludicrous.

In June of 1954, the CIA and the US Air Force overthrew the democratically-elected President of Guatemala, Jacopo Arbenz, because Arbenz supported land reform in his country, where 2% of the landowners owned 70% of the arable land and farm laborers were treated like slaves. Arbenz’ program of land reform went against the wishes of the United Fruit Company and other US corporations that benefited from the exploitation of Guatemala’s land and its people. During the past fifty years, the USA has supported a succession of murderous right-wing dictators in Guatemala, and during that time, in what is rightly termed 'genocide', the Guatemalan government has killed more than 200,000 peasants. The Guatemalan death squads also target those who champion or protect the rights of the peasants, including Catholic nuns and priests.

The Guatemalan military and its death squads have received direct training from the CIA and the US military, particularly the US Air Force. General Efrain Rios Montt, a ‘born-again’ Christian and a graduate of the notorious School of the Americas at Fort Benning, Georgia, became the dictator of Guatemala in a 1982 coup. Montt was one of the most savage of the Guatemalan dictators, and ‘born again’ US President Ronald Reagan was an avid supporter of Montt and the Christian fascist rulers of Guatemala. The Iran/Contra scandal of the 1980s briefly shed some light on the CIA and US military participation in drug and arms smuggling, torture training, and death squads in Central America, but those activities have continued to the present day.

The Israeli military has also provided leadership, training, weapons, and technical assistance to the Guatemalan death squads. The Israeli Uzi submachine gun is a favorite weapon of the Guatemalan military, and the Israelis provided computer systems to the Guatemalan government that have been used to identify and locate dissidents and other victims for the death squads. The Israelis, who constantly promote the image of themselves as perennially beleaguered victims, have crossed the Atlantic Ocean to participate in the torture, murder, and oppression of Guatemalan peasants who never did anything to harm or threaten Israel. There is only one reason for the Israelis to have assisted the Guatemalan death squads: the Israelis did it for money and for power.

In the fall of 2003, the New York Times published the results of a survey which revealed that 12% of the women cadets who graduated from the US Air Force Academy in 2003 reported that they had been the victims of rape, or attempted rape, by male classmates, and that about 20% of all women cadets at the Academy had been the victims of sexual assaults by male cadets. Seventy percent of the female cadets complained of sexual harassment at the Academy. Follow-up studies have shown that often the female cadet rape victims at the Air Force Academy were punished, while their male attackers were usually given minor reprimands and permitted to graduate.

Around the same time, between 2001 and 2005, fifty-five complaints of religious discrimination were filed at the Air Force Academy, where Christian cadets, teachers, and administrators had subjected the non-Christian cadets to preaching and proselytizing, to mandatory Christian prayer sessions, and to harassment for being non-Christians. Ninety percent of the cadets at the Air Force Academy claim to be Christians. Americans United for Separation of Church and State, a religious liberty group based in Washington, DC, stated that: “We have concluded that both the specific violations and the promotion of a culture of official religious intolerance are pervasive, systematic and evident at the very highest levels of the Academy's command structure." Michael Weinstein, a 1977 graduate of the Air Force Academy, has brought a lawsuit against the Air Force on behalf of his son Curtis, who was called a “filthy Jew” on numerous occasions by Christian cadets at the Academy.

In a White House ceremony held on the morning of May 4, 2001, President George W. Bush presented the Commander-in-Chief’s Trophy, a football award for the USA’s service academies, to the victorious team of the 2000-2001 season, the Air Force Academy’s Falcons. On that occasion, Bush was characteristically effusive with his Christian praise: “I love Coach DeBerry's motto: Faith, Family and Falcons,” said Bush, and in closing Bush said “God bless” to the assembled functionaries, Academy cadets, and their family members. In November 2004 Coach Deberry put up a banner in the sports locker room of the gymnasium at the Air Force Academy which said: “I am a Christian first and last ... I am a member of Team Jesus Christ.” The banner was removed three days later, due to the Academy administration’s concerns about the ongoing controversy over the religious harassment of non-Christian cadets.

In November 2005 The Washington Post reported that a Colorado-based Christian missionary group known as the Navigators was currently training Air Force Academy cadets to evangelize among their fellow students. Another Colorado-based Christian group, Focus on the Family, led a nationwide petition drive, a talk-a-thon on Christian radio stations, and an email campaign directed at the White House and the office of the Secretary of the Air Force which claimed that Christian chaplains, officers, and cadets are all protected by the US Constitution's guarantees of free speech and free exercise of religion to publicly pray and proselytize as they please. Responding to the demands of their Christian constituents, seventy-two members of Congress signed a letter to President Bush which urged him to sign an executive order that would allow military chaplains to publicly pray “in Jesus’ name” rather than offering nonsectarian prayers. On February 9, 2006 the Air Force announced its new guidelines for chaplains, which places a strong emphasis on the right of chaplains, officers, and cadets to pray as they please at official functions and also to preach to their peers and subordinates, while discounting the Constitutional prohibition against any government establishment of religion.

Beginning with his first Inaugural address on January 20, 2001, President Bush has continually laced his public speeches with numerous references to “my Faith,” “our Faith,” “my God,” and “our God,” as if the citizenry of the USA were uniformly and homogenously ‘born again’ Christians like Bush himself. The impression that Bush conveys with such usage is that the USA is fundamentally a Christian country, in which Christianity is, and should be, the dominant creed, both in US society at large and within the US government. Listening to Bush speak, all non-Christian US citizens are reminded that they are actually second-class citizens. One of the most egregious, dangerous, costly, and immoral demands that Christians make on the body politic of the USA is the US support for the Jewish State of Israel, which is an essentially religious cause of value only to Jews and Christians. The US government support for Israel; the Faith-Based Initiative, which exclusively supports Christian organizations; and the USA’s “War on Terrorism”, which is really a Christian “Crusade against Islam”, are but a few examples of the many ways that non-Christian US citizens endure ‘taxation without representation’.

On Sunday, September 16, 2001, just five days after the 9/11 attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon -- attacks which were perpetrated by the US government to create an excuse for the USA’s never-ending “War on Terror”, President Bush said in a globally televised speech: “This Crusade, this war on terrorism, is going to take awhile.” Bush described the US government’s “War on Terrorism” as a “Crusade” in several other speeches that month before adverse reactions throughout the world caused Bush to stop publicly using the word “Crusade” in that particular context. Bush was speaking directly to his own Christian constituency when he described the USA’s “War on Terrorism,” which targets the oil-rich Islamic Middle East, as a “Crusade.” Bush’s most devoted support comes from the many millions of US Christians who want the USA to wage an Apocalyptic war against Islam, with the prize of Middle East oil going to God’s chosen victor in that war. Representatives of the Jewish State of Israel, whose political lobby is one of the most powerful in the USA, have actively encouraged the US belligerence toward Iraq and Iran, in a classic example of an old American saying -- “Let’s you and him fight.”

On August 3, 2001 two American missionaries, Dayna Curry and Heather Mercer, who had ostensibly gone to Afghanistan to teach English, were arrested by the ruling Taliban authorities for preaching Christianity, an activity which was at that time illegal in Afghanistan. Apparently the two young Americans, both graduates of Baylor University in Waco Texas, the largest Southern Baptist educational institution in the USA, had provided Christian and Biblical literature to Afghani citizens in violation of Afghan law. Curry and Mercer faced their first court hearing on September 8th, 2001, but they were not formally charged; preaching Christianity was potentially a capital offense in Afghanistan. On September 11, 2001, US diplomats visited the two women, as did some of their family members, who brought them warm clothing for the approaching Afghan winter. The USA’s own partner in crime, the Jewish State of Israel, forbids by law the preaching or proselytizing, or the distribution of literature pertaining to, any religion but Judaism within the borders of Israel.

The Taliban freed Curry and Mercer on November 14, 2001, during the US-led Coalition invasion of Afghanistan. According to the Baptist Press, the two women said “… that their Taliban captors in the Kabul prison had looked after them generously, giving them “abundant amounts of food” and allowing them to pray and sing hymns whenever they wanted. “From what they had, they looked after us very well,” Mercer said.” Two weeks later, Curry and Mercer appeared with President Bush at a press conference in the Rose Garden at the White House, where Bush was lavish in his Christian praise for the two women, as well as praising the US invasion of Afghanistan. During that same press conference, Bush reasserted his opposition to embryonic stem-cell research, which Bush said was “morally wrong.”

Following close on the heels of the US coalition invasion of Iraq came the USA’s own government-funded Faith Based charities, eager to offer the Moslem infidels the dubious rewards of an enforced US paternalism accompanied by US government-subsidized Christian conversion. Like a cultural invasion force that would continue the work that was started by the military invasion and occupation, Southern Baptist Franklin Graham’s Samaritan’s Purse organization was poised and waiting in neighboring Jordan to conquer Iraq for Jesus. Franklin Graham’s father Billy had been the unofficial ‘chaplain’ for a long series of US presidents, and Franklin gave the invocation at George W. Bush’s inauguration in 2001. Franklin Graham said that Islam is a “wicked, violent” religion, with a completely different God from that of Christianity. Franklin Graham has written that Christianity and Islam are locked in a “classic struggle that will end with the Second Coming of Christ,” that “The two [religions] are different as lightness and darkness,” and that “The war against terrorism is just another conflict between evil and the Name [Jesus Christ].”

The US-led Coalition’s invasion and occupation of both Afghanistan and Iraq have been reported in the USA’s corporate media with a heavy emphasis on the Christian faith of the US combatants. The corporate media provide the US population with frequent images of US troops huddled in Christian prayer, while politicians and military officers publicly extol the Christian righteousness of the US cause. During the Coalition invasion of Iraq, a US Army Chaplain named Josh Llano, from Houston, Texas, who describes himself as a “Southern Baptist evangelist,” controlled precious water supplies and food that he refused to share with fellow soldiers unless they submitted to his ninety-minute sermon and a Christian baptism.

In the early days of the US-led coalition invasion of Iraq, US Army Sergeant Hasan Akbar, who is a Moslem, says that he overheard his superior officers discussing their plans to murder and rape Iraqi civilians. In the Kuwaiti desert on the early morning of March 23, 2003, Akbar attacked the officers’ tent with grenades and his rifle, killing two officers and wounding fourteen other soldiers. Akbar was subsequently found guilty of murder by a US Army court at Fort Bragg, North Carolina, and the court sentenced Akbar to death on April 28, 2005. The numerous revelations of murder, torture, and rape committed by US troops at Abu Graibh, Falujah, Abu Sifa, Haditha, and other locations throughout Iraq and Afghanistan, and the ‘renditions’ by the CIA and the USAF of prisoners to undisclosed places of torture have given credence to Sergeant Akbar’s accusation of his officers’ hate speech and their threats to murder Iraqi civilians.

Now the spokespeople of the US government describe their “War on Terrorism” as a “Clash of Civilizations,” and it is very apparent that what they are talking about is Christianity versus Islam. In the fairy-tale imaginations of the Christian fascists of the Western world, the USA is Saint George, Israel is a damsel in distress, Islam is the dragon, and Middle East oil is the dragon’s hoard of treasure. May God help us all.

Gregory F. Fegel

Published on June 22, 2006 at

The USA Exports State-Sponsored Terrorism

I am a citizen of the USA by birth, and it concerns me that the image of the United States that is presented by the international 'Mainstream Media' is largely a product of US government and corporate propaganda. Media monopolies, such as the ones owned and run by Ted Turner in the USA and by Rupert Murdoch in both the USA and Great Britain, present a one-sided, 'official' view of US politics and of US foreign policy.

Many people in the USA disagree with the US government's foreign policies and also with the 'official version' of events that is presented by the corporate-controlled Mainstream Media. There are numerous small, 'alternative' media outlets in the USA that present a very different view of US politics and foreign policy.Twin towers

A recent poll conducted by Zogby International showed that 49.3 % of the residents of New York City, where the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center were struck by airliners, believe that the leadership and the intelligence agencies of the US government "Knew in advance that attacks were planned on or around September 11, 2001, and that they consciously failed to act."

Many Americans do not believe the US government's 'official version' of the 9/11/2001 attacks, and there are now several hundred websites on the Internet that catalog the multiple discrepancies and falsehoods contained in the 'official version' presented by the US government and the Mainstream Media regarding the events of 9/11/2001.

A preponderance of evidence shows that the Twin Towers could not have collapsed as a result of the airliners that crashed into them. In fact, the videos and still photos of the collapse of the Twin Towers clearly show the 'squibs' of smoke that accompany a controlled demolition. Many witnesses reported hearing multiple explosions throughout the Twin Towers just prior to their collapse.

After 9/11, the site of the collapsed Twin Towers was declared "off limits" to most investigators and journalists, and the debris of the Twin Towers was quickly removed from the site by a company called Controlled Demolition, which specializes in the planned demolition of large buildings with the use of explosives. The steel from the broken girders of the collapsed Twin Towers was without delay shipped to China and to India for recycling.

The Twin Towers were long regarded as architectural dinosaurs and economic failures by their original owners, who applied to the City of New York to have the Towers demolished, but they were denied permission to demolish the Towers for safety reasons. Larry Silverstein, who is a close friend of fellow Australian emigre Rupert Murdoch, purchased the Twin Towers with 129 million dollars of borrowed money just six weeks before 9/11/2001. Silverstein then took out Terrorism insurance on the Twin Towers, and Silverstein has now been awarded more than 4 billion dollars for the loss of the buildings.

On the PBS television documentary America Rebuilds, referring to World Trade Center building number 7, which was not struck by an airplane but nevertheless collapsed on the afternoon of 9/11/2005, Larry Silverstein said that "We've had such terrible loss of life, maybe the smartest thing to do is pull it." The term "pull it" used by Silverstein is a term that demolition experts commonly use in reference to the controlled demolition of a building using explosives.

Many Americans now believe that the attacks on 9/11/2001 were directly perpetrated by US President George W. Bush and his advisors, with the cooperation of the CIA, the FBI, the Pentagon, and the Israeli Mossad, and that a right wing political and military coup has occurred within the USA. Currently, the right wing leaders of the US government are consolidating their control of the Mainstream Media, and they are reinterpreting US laws, utilizing the post-9/11 Homeland Security Act, to allow increasing government surveillance of the personal communications, the opinions, and the movements of US citizens both at home and abroad.

The US invasion and occupation of Iraq was predicated on now-exposed lies about nonexistent Weapons of Mass Destruction and on an unsubstantiated threat of State-sponsored Terrorism directed by Iraq against the USA. When no evidence for Iraqi WMDs or Iraqi participation in international Terrorism was found, the US government changed its 'official reason' for invading Iraq: now the US government says that the USA invaded Iraq to "bring freedom and democracy" to Iraq.

Currently the revenues from the Iraqi oil industry are placed in a "trust fund" that is jointly managed by the USA and by Great Britain, Iraq's former colonial oppressor. The truth is that the USA, Great Britain, and their Coalition allies invaded Iraq to facilitate the imposition of US military and corporate control over the Iraqi oil fields, which contain the second largest oil reserves in the world. The invasion and occupation of Iraq is part of a larger long-range US plan to gain military and political control over the entire oil-rich Middle East.

Contrary to the 'official version' presented by the corporate-controlled US Mainstream Media, the US government is no more democratic or "peace-loving" than its client states, the Jewish State of Israel and the Islamic State of Pakistan. Like Israel and Pakistan, the USA is a major exporter of State-sponsored Terrorism.

Gregory F. Fegel

Published on January 10, 2006 at

The Godfather USA

To be an American citizen is very much like being the child of a wealthy and unscrupulous criminal ‘Godfather,’ who appears to be kind and generous to his own children at home, but is unflinchingly treacherous and murderous in conducting his family business, which is based on coercion, domination, exploitation, and violence. The average US citizen enjoys prosperity and relative freedom, but US prosperity derives in large part from the criminal exploitation of, and frequently the outright murder of, millions of innocent people in developing countries throughout the world.

Most US citizens choose to remain in a perpetual state of denial regarding the criminal activities of their government, because they lack the courage and the character to learn and face the truth. An unquestioning acceptance of the values, motives, and goals of the US government by the majority of US citizens allows those citizens to be easily fooled and manipulated by the propaganda presented to them by the US government and by the US government-controlled ‘Mainstream Media.’

From early childhood, US citizens are raised on a steady diet of pro-US government propaganda that is fed to them at school and at home through the media of television, radio, newspapers, magazines, books, and popular music. The propaganda presents the US government as an ethically superior exemplar of justice for the entire world, as an exceptionally generous contributor to global economic development, and as a benevolent arbiter of world affairs. Furthermore, a great deal of crucial information about US political history, particularly regarding events of the past half-century, is not taught in US schools and is never allowed to appear in the Mainstream Media outlets.

According to the US Census report of 2004, 12.7% of the US population lives in poverty and 15.7% lack health insurance. Recent figures show that at least 41% of the wealth in the USA is owned by just one percent of the US population. The personal wealth of Microsoft CEO Bill Gates exceeds that of the total combined wealth of the poorest 45% of US households, which amounts to at least 133 million people. The USA has the highest concentration of individual wealth in all of the industrialized nations, and about three times that of the second-placed nation for concentrated wealth, which is Germany. The USA also leads the world in the number of its citizens who are incarcerated in prisons: one out of seventy-five US males are in prison, of whom 68% belong to racial or ethnic minorities. As of 2003, 12.8% of the USA’s black males in their twenties were living in prison, compared to 3.7% of the USA’s Hispanic males and 1.6% of the USA’s white males.

The USA consumes about 25% of the world’s oil and natural resources, but compared to Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, and the nations of Europe, the USA ranks 21st in the percentage of its Gross National Income that it gives as Official Development Assistance to developing countries.

The US government wants to act as the ‘world’s policeman,’ but the USA behaves like a corrupt cop, using its military might to coerce or to force other countries into cooperating with the USA’s economic and strategic interests.

The USA is a democracy in name only, because for the past forty years the US government has been dominated and controlled by a ruling elite of wealthy individuals and powerful corporations that carefully grooms and selects, based on the vested interests of that same wealthy elite, most of the candidates for federal office, including the Presidency. The wealthy ruling elite of the USA maintains their control over the US government through their enforcement apparatus, which includes all of the US government's intelligence agencies, operating under the overall leadership of the Central Intelligence Agency.

In 1942 President Franklin D. Roosevelt authorized the creation of the Office of Strategic Services, which participated in both intelligence gathering and military activities for the Allies during World War Two. The OSS established several precedents, including the preferential recruitment of persons of wealth as agents, a thorough integration of the intelligence agency with various businesses, the utilization of known criminals as agents, and direct participation in drug smuggling as a means of fund-raising, precedents that would continue within the CIA, which was created to replace the OSS shortly after the end of WW2.

The newly formed CIA drew much of its membership from the ranks of the disbanded OSS, and the CIA continued the preferential recruitment of its agents from the wealthy upper class of US society, just as the OSS had done. The CIA has also integrated itself almost seamlessly with many international businesses, through hundreds of companies worldwide that act as CIA ‘assets.’ Just like a business, each individual regional foreign office, or Station, of the CIA is referred to within the Agency as an ‘account.’

The CIA was to be much, much more than an intelligence-gathering agency. The CIA was given the authority to initiate and conduct its own military operations, and also to establish fully functioning businesses of whatever kind it chose, legal or illegal, throughout the world. Furthermore, the CIA was to be answerable only to the President and to the National Security Council. Those freedoms placed the CIA largely ‘outside the law,’ and prepared the way for the CIA’s eventual domination of the entire US government. The CIA-engineered assassination of President John Fitzgerald Kennedy in 1963 was a military coup that effectively marked the death of real democracy in the USA.

Many people within the ranks of the CIA, the US military, and the US government resented President Kennedy because Kennedy refused to authorize direct US military support for the CIA’s 1961 Bay of Pigs Invasion of Castro’s Cuba, support that might have prevented the Invasion’s costly failure. After the Bay of Pigs fiasco, Kennedy fired the top three men at the CIA: Allen Dulles, Richard Bissell, and General Cabell, whose brother was the mayor of Dallas, Texas, where Kennedy was later to be assassinated. Kennedy also announced his intention to withdraw US forces from South Viet Nam, which was another one of the CIA’s pet projects. After Kennedy’s assassination, his successor, Lyndon Baines Johnson, met with the US military’s Joint Chiefs of Staff at the White House, where Johnson made his first Presidential decision: to escalate the involvement of US troops in the Viet Nam War.

In 1977 the House Select Committee on Assassinations concluded that a lone gunman did not kill President Kennedy, but instead that Kennedy was shot by at least two snipers, one of whom delivered the final, fatal shot to Kennedy’s right temple from the famous ‘grassy knoll’ in Dealey Plaza. Marita Lorenz testified to the HSCA that in November 1963 she had accompanied CIA agent Frank Sturgis, Lee Harvey Oswald, and a couple of Cuban immigrants with a small arsenal of firearms on a road trip from Miami, Florida to Dallas, Texas, where they met with CIA agent E. Howard Hunt and Jack Ruby at a Dallas motel.

In addition to the assassination of President Kennedy, there is considerable evidence of CIA and/or FBI involvement in the political assassinations of Martin Luther King, Malcom X, Robert F. Kennedy, John F. Kennedy Jr., and others.

In support of the success of the USA’s international business interests, the CIA has subverted and disrupted the democratic process in Italy, Iran, Iraq, Guatemala, Haiti, Ecuador, Zaire, the Dominican Republic, Brazil, Indonesia, Greece, Uruguay, Cambodia, Bolivia, Australia, Angola, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama, and many other countries. Using propaganda, rigged elections, extortion, blackmail, sabotage, assassination, death squads, and torture, the CIA has deposed democratically-elected leaders and governments throughout the world and replaced them with ruthless right-wing dictators who were more accommodating to US business interests.

Saddam Hussein was twenty-two years old when he was hired by the CIA to serve on a six-man team that tried to assassinate Iraq’s Prime Minister Qasim, who had stated his intention to nationalize Iraq’s oil industry and to decriminalize Iraq's Communist Party. When the assassination attempt failed, Saddam escaped to Egypt, where he remained in frequent contact with the US Embassy and the CIA. In 1963, after Baath Party agents, supported by the CIA, succeeded in killing Qasim, Saddam returned to Iraq. In 1980 Iraq attacked Iran, starting the Iran/Iraq War, during which the USA openly sold arms and provided logistic support to Iraq, while the CIA secretly sold arms to Iran, using Israel as a go-between. More than one million Iraqi and Iranian soldiers were killed in the Iran/Iraq War, which also took a heavy economic toll on both countries. The Iran/Iraq War, one of the longest and deadliest wars of the 20th Century, served the purpose of weakening and punishing two of the USA’s major rivals for the control of the Middle East and its massive oil reserves.

On July 29th, 1991 the US Ambassador to Iraq, April Glaspie, met with Saddam Hussein at his Presidential Palace in Baghdad, where Glaspie assured Saddam that the USA would not interfere or intervene if Iraq invaded Kuwait, which many Iraqis considered to historically be a part of Iraq. Four days later the Iraqi Army invaded and occupied Kuwait. In January and February of 1991 a US-led military coalition representing the United Nations assaulted the Iraqi forces in Kuwait, and in the desert borderland of northern Kuwait and southern Iraq the US-led force slaughtered more than 100,000 Iraqi troops with only minimal losses to the coalition forces.

Osama bin Laden is another ‘enemy’ of the USA who began his career as a CIA ‘asset,’ brokering the exchange of arms and heroin between the Afghani Mujahideen and the CIA during the Russian occupation of Afghanistan. During the 1990s bin Laden provided financial support and recruited fighters for the Kosovo Liberation Army, an organization that smuggles heroin and cocaine into Europe. The KLA also receives protection and support from the CIA and the US government.

The CIA has participated in a major and an ongoing way in international drug smuggling, using its own private airline called “Air America” to bring heroin and marijuana out of Southeast Asia during the Viet Nam War, bringing cocaine into the USA as part of the illegal Iran-Contra operation during the 1980s, and now, once again, smuggling heroin out of Afghanistan. The CIA currently utilizes several airfreight companies that pose as Christian charities to ferry cocaine from Latin America into the USA and heroin from Afghanistan into Europe and the USA.

Beginning in the late 1940s with Operation Mockingbird, the CIA infiltrated all of the major media outlets in the USA, by forming alliances with publishers and media moguls, and by hiring hundreds of journalists to work as CIA stringers and propagandists. Today the major media outlets in the USA are owned and controlled by a very limited number of wealthy individuals and corporations, and the USA’s Mainstream Media presents a uniformly biased version of national and international news, full of lies and omissions, that conforms closely to the US government's own dogma and propaganda.

From 1956 to 1971 with their COINTELPRO programs, the FBI infiltrated the civil rights and anti-war movements in a hostile effort to derail those movements and discredit their leaders.

In his famous Farewell Speech of 1961, President Dwight D. Eisenhower warned US citizens against the growing power of what he called the Military/Industrial Complex, an unholy alliance of big business and the military which Eisenhower said was already well on its way to subverting the ideals and the principles of US democracy. Today, fifty per cent of the annual budget of the US government is spent on the military and the military debt. The many industries that support the US military are dependent on the US government's pursuit of a continual state of warfare, as now exemplified by the USA’s manufactured, never-ending “War on Terrorism.” War is essentially a business, and the essential business of the USA is war.

Prescott Bush, the father of the USA’s 41st President and grandfather of the USA's current, 43rd President, served as a US Naval Intelligence officer during World War One. After the war, Prescott Bush worked for the Brown Brothers Harriman Bank of New York, which bankrolled the Nazi rise to power in Germany from 1920 to 1942, when the US government finally ordered the BBH Bank to cease its illegal financial support for the rearmament of Germany. Like his Nazi clients and friends, Prescott Bush was an active white supremacist who hosted, along with his friend George Walker, another ancestor of ex-President George Herbert Bush and President George Walker Bush, the Third International Congress of Eugenics in New York City in 1932.

The young Richard Nixon was a protégé of Prescott Bush, and after WW2 Nixon worked with Project Paperclip to bring hundreds of Nazi scientists and industrialists into the USA. Nixon was also Senator Joseph McCarthy's partner in the famous Red baiting ‘witch hunts’ of the House Committee on Un-American Activities during the early 1950s. Nixon authorized the infamous Watergate burglary, in which the burglars and their associates included CIA agents Frank Sturgis, Bernard L. Barker, and E. Howard Hunt, who were assisted by Cuban exiles with CIA connections. All of them had been associated with the Bay of Pigs Invasion or the Kennedy assassination, or with both.

Prescott Bush's son, George Herbert Bush, owned the Zapata Oil Company, which included an island 30 miles from Cuba that served as the staging area for the CIA’s “Operation Zapata” in 1961, which became known afterward as the failed Bay of Pigs Invasion. Although he denies being there, George H. Bush was photographed standing in front of the Texas Schoolbook Depository just after President Kennedy was shot in Dallas, Texas on November 22nd, 1963. A declassified document from the office of former FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover that is dated November 29th, 1963 mentions “George Bush of the Central Intelligence Agency.” George H. Bush was named Director of the CIA in 1976, although he denied having ever served the CIA in any capacity. During his term as Director of the CIA, Bush gave exclusive private briefings on the future of the world energy market to the executives of Brown Brothers Harriman Bank and to the board of directors of the Chase Manhattan Bank, which was obviously an act of conflict of interest.

False-flag bombings and murders are a common tactic of the intelligence agencies of Britain, Israel, Russia, and the USA. The famous Reichstag fire of February 1933 was set by Nazi agents and blamed on a Communist patsy to provide an excuse for the elimination of civil rights and a Nazi takeover of the German government. Members of British intelligence participated in some of the murders and bombings that were committed by the Irish Republican Army. In the famous Lavon affair of 1954, Israeli Terrorists bombed several buildings in Egypt, but one of the bombs went off prematurely and an Israeli bomber was captured, which led to the arrest of an Israeli spy ring. Abu Nidal was an agent provocateur who assisted the Israeli Mossad by organizing hijackings and Terrorist attacks in order to foster the illusion of international Arab Terrorism. In 1999 local police in the Russian city of Ryazan, which is located 130 miles southeast of Moscow, caught members of the Russian FSB who had planted bombs in an apartment building in an apparent attempt to enflame sentiment against the rebel Chechnyans.

Stoking the fires of war in support of the USA’s Military/Industrial Complex is a primary function of the CIA, which has worked cooperatively with the British, Israeli, and other governments to create the bogeyman of an ‘Islamic Terrorist threat.’ A 1998 German public television documentary revealed that some of the main suspects in the Berlin disco bombing of 1986 had been working for the CIA and the Israeli Mossad. According to federal court records, FBI agent provocateurs organized and allowed the 1993 bombing of the World Trade Center to proceed. There is also considerable evidence indicating that FBI and ATF agents participated in the 1995 bombing of the Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City.

The attacks on the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center and the Pentagon on 9/11/2001; the anthrax letter attacks against two US Congressmen in October 2001; the Spanish railway bombings in March 2004; the London subway bombings in July 2005; and the Bali bombings of October 2002 and October 2005 all show evidence of having been perpetrated by the USA and its allies, who are intent on generating animosity against the Islamic world.

The US government's 9/11 false-flag attacks on the WTC and the Pentagon involved a coordinated effort by the CIA, the White House, the NSA, the FBI, FEMA, NORAD, the Pentagon, and other federal agencies, along with the ongoing complicity of the USA’s major media outlets. The Israeli Mossad was also a likely accomplice to the 9/11 attacks, as indicated by evidence that demonstrates Israeli foreknowledge of those attacks. Since 9/11, the USA's intelligence agencies have been further integrated under the overall leadership of the CIA, another step toward the formation of a monolithic US secret police with a global reach. Recently the arrest and ‘rendition’ by the CIA of so-called ‘Terrorist suspects’ throughout the world to undisclosed locations, often against the protests of the nations where the arrests take place, show us that not only does the USA fancy itself to be the ‘world's policeman,’ but the CIA also wants to be the ‘world’s secret police.’

Many US citizens who oppose the aggressive right-wing domestic and foreign policies of President George Walker Bush and the Republican Party still have a naïve faith that the opposition Democrat Party will ‘turn the country around’ with a return to more Liberal policies if the Democrats are voted back into office. However, the ruling elite of the USA controls both of the major US political parties, which it manipulates like a pair of hand puppets. The Harriman Bank heiress, Pamela Harriman, was the chief contributor to the Democrat Party for thirty years, until her death in 2001. Pamela Harriman bankrolled the two Presidential campaigns of Democrat William Jefferson Clinton, who supported the CIA’s Iran/Contra drugs and arms smuggling through the airport at Mena, Arkansas while he was Governor of that State. During the 2004 Presidential election, the candidates of the two major political parties were both the wealthy sons of CIA men, both graduates of Yale, both members of Yale’s secretive and elitist Skull and Bones Club, and both espoused a belief in the USA’s manufactured threat of ‘global Islamic Terrorism.’

The USA has all the ingredients of fascism: an intimate marriage of government, big business, and the military, in which the national media exclusively disseminates government-approved propaganda, and a ruthless, extra-legal and international secret police that enforces the policies of the ruling elite. Fascism in the USA is an accomplished fact, and it has been for the past forty years.

What can US citizens do to change the situation? Not much, short of revolution, because the entire US government and both of the two major US political parties are irredeemably corrupt. To bring about meaningful reform, the USA would need to abolish the CIA, require a full vote of Congress for any overseas military activity, and restrict foreign aid to democracies with a proven human rights record.

But fantasies of political reform are for dreamers, because corruption is the way of the world. For their own personal good, concerned citizens should study the secret history of the USA, and share that knowledge with those who will listen. And if they are ethical they should avoid, in every way possible, supporting the US government.

Gregory F. Fegel

Published on May 3, 2006 at


(1) US Census Bureau News

(2) Critical Resistance

(3) Human Rights Watch

(4) The US and Foreign Aid Assistance

(5) The Secret Team: The CIA and Its Allies in Control of the United
States and the World, by L. Fletcher Prouty, Col., U.S. Air Force

(6) The Origins of the Overclass, by Steve Kangas

(7) The CIA Crosses Over, by Robert Dreyfuss

(8) The Guns of Dallas, by L. Fletcher Prouty, Col., U.S. Air Force

(9) The Nazi Connection to the John F. Kennedy Assassination, by Mae

(10) The Assassination of JFK: Index

(11) Unavailable

(12) Lone Gunmen and plane crashes: JFK, MLK, RFK and Senator
Wellstone. The American coup d'etat

(13) COPA 2002 - Coalition On Political Assassination conference

(14) Who killed John-John?

(15) Killing Hope: US Military and CIA Interventions Since World War

(16) Saddam Was Key In Early CIA Plot, by Richard Sale

(17) April Glaspie Transcript

(18) Osama bin Laden: Made in USA, by Jared Israel http://emperors-

(19) Who is Osama bin Laden? by Michel Chossudovsky, Professor of
Economics, University of Ottawa

(20) Cocaine Importing Agency

(21) Top Secret CIA Drug Smuggling Operations

(22) Fifty Years of Drug Trafficking by CIA and Other Operations

(23) The CIA: America’s Premier International Terrorist Organization

(24) Drugs/CIA (Bibliography)

(25) Wayne Madsen Report, February 2006.

(26) Operation Mockingbird

(27) Tales from the Crypt: The Depraved Spies and Moguls of the CIA's
Operation MOCKINGBIRD, by Alex Constantine

(28) Intelligence Activities and the Rights of Americans, Book II

(29) Eisenhower's Farewell Address to the Nation

(30) Bush - Nazi Link Confirmed, by John Buchanan

(31) A Nazi in the (pocket) is worth four in the Bush (family), by
William Bowles

(32) The Rise of the Fourth Reich, Part I: The Bush Family Oligarchy

(33) Former Federal Prosecutor John Loftus confirms the Bush-Nazi

(34) Nazis in the Attic, Part 6, by Randy Davis

(35) FBI memo, photo link Bush Sr to JFK Dallas murder scene, by Tom

(36) Kennedy: The George Bush Connection, by Mark Turner

(37) The Kennedy-Nixon-Bush Connection by Paul Kangas

(38) The Reichstag Fire and 9/11: Pretexts for Dictatorship and the
Fourth Reich

(39) A Historical Look At Israeli False Flag Operations

(40) Ulster spies to 'blow MI5 cover'

(41) 9/11: THE TRUTH COMES OUT: Israel's 9/11 connection exposed, by Justin Raimundo

(42) Abu Nidal – Mossad Terrorist

(43) German TV exposes CIA, Mossad links to 1986 Berlin disco bombing

(44) Oklahoma City Bombing Questions

(45) OKC Bombshell Implicates Feds In Murrah Blast

(46) Pamela Harriman, the Woman who made Bill Clinton President

(47) Mysterious Mena: CIA Discloses, Leach Disposes

(48) The Activities at Mena: MENA is no myth!